
Friday, March 19, 2010

Frugal Fridays

After reading LifeasMom's post for Frugal Friday, I could empathize with her.  I shared some of the same experiences as far as yard sales go when I was young.  Sinking deep into the seat, I wished with all my heart that I wouldn't see any of my classmates at the yard sale.  I never took into account that if I saw them there or if they were having it, it meant they were in the same boat as my family.

If you have ever read my blog, you know my goal is to pay down my mortgage so I have been on the frugal path for a very long time.  In our marriage we have seen times of abundance and time when we have not had abundance, but somehow we have always managed without using credit that was carried over month to month.  Now that I am older, I do not view hand-me-downs the same.  I love them, and so do my children.  Now I understand that their current attitude about used clothes probably will not last as they get older but that is okay.  I believe in living in the moment so when their attitude changes perhaps I will shop sales more, but this is how my family deals with hand-me-downs now.

We shop our attic.  We talk about their wonderful cousins who selected the clothing we are wearing today.  We talk about how they are our heroes and how lucky we are that they give us their clothes.  I take all hand-me-downs and anything I think we can use, we do.  I try to pass on what we can't use.  I shop consignment sales on the discount days and our local Junior League sale.  We get wonderful bargains.  Most importantly, when they get dressed in the morning, I tell them "Cousin Reagan has the best taste.  She dresses like a princess and so do you."  My little girl thinks it is a treat.  I believe a lot about life is about your attitude towards it.  My children view hand-me-downs as a treat because I treat it like it is the greatest thing in the world.  This world is what you make of it.  I will get off my soap box now.  Remember with kids- presentation is everything.

* This post is linked to Frugal Friday.

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