
Friday, January 6, 2012

Saving Money The Unorthodox Way

We all hear the same things when trying to save money at the grocery store. Check sales, use coupons, menu plan, and never go hungry.  If you are always searching for new ways to save money like I am, occasionally you need to rethink your plan so that the savings can be even greater.

Lately, I have began to think outside the box.  I did not grow up in a family that makes their own cleaning products, health remedies, or lotions/soaps.  We did use coupons and shop drugstore sales.  Recently, I have begun to question which method is better.  Yes, you can get some things free in drugstore sales but is it worth my sanity struggling into the store with four kids in tow and risk my coupon or deal won't work.

This is my compromise.  I work out a cost comparison to the store bought item with a coupon and the items needed to make the item.  A lot of times I already have on hand the items needed to make the product so why would I waste the gas, time, and my sanity to run to the store to pick the item up.  The best example would be household cleaner.  I ran out of my Lysol kitchen cleaner so I googled and this is the recipe that was the winner.

1 c. vinegar
2 c. water
30 drops of tea tree oil

Done.  I did not have to go anywhere to purchase the items.  I already had them on hand.

I needed Pledge.  I took a spray bottle and put 1/4 c. Murphy's oil and water.  Spray and wipe.

I needed face moisturizer.  Read here what I did.

This has been a life saver.  No more waiting until after naps to run to the store just to dust my house.  My mom thinks I have gone insane.  Just buy the product with a coupon.  Why would anyone make their own yogurt, cleaners, or bread.  You should have seen her face when I told her I loved my new face moisturizer.  She was adamant she would buy me some Mary Kay tomorrow.  I had to laugh.  If she only knew the price break down of my moisturizer versus the Mary Kay version, she would be shocked.  The next time you feel the need to run to the store to capitalize on the newest deal, stop and consider the time, effort, and gas to get this deal.  Is it worth it?

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